MundoGEO and Guandalini Positioning invite you to the webinar on August 25 at 3 pm (Brasilia time): GEO+ Real-time and post-processed geodetic positioning service.The new GEO+ post-processed real-time geodetic positioning service will be presented at the webinar, which offers RTK/GSM, Network RTK, Post-Processed and Virtual Rinex positioning services.All these services can be applied in the most diverse areas of geoinformation.The advantages of using the service involve reducing the amount of equipment to be taken to the field, in RTK techniques physical barriers to communication between Base and Rover are not a concern, fewer people involved to carry out the survey, among others.You can also follow directly on YouTube:Sign up and mark your calendarRegistration is free and a certificate of participation will be provided to everyone who attends the event live.After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to access the sponsored room.More information: