Valor PayTech offers new payments technology and functionality - ThePaypers

2022-06-24 22:38:37 By : Ms. Wei Huang

Valor aims to provide resellers and their merchant customers with comprehensive new tools and the flexibility they need to be successful in changing business environments while creating value.

Beta versions of the new technology and increased functionality will be subjected to rollouts occurring throughout 2022 and include:

Dual Pricing which displays card versus cash pricing on POS terminals and PIN pads at the time of sale;

Valor Connect cloud-based integration requires little-to-no effort for independent software vendors (ISVs) and their customers to add Valor payment terminals with the click of a button;

Valor RCKT Bluetooth mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) device pairs with Valor’s iOS and Android compatible mobile application for frictionless smartphone checkout from anywhere;

Valor Lite tokenized instant payment acceptance uses quick response (QR) code technology for secure contactless smartphone purchasing experiences;

Cloud-based omnichannel Menu and Inventory Management capabilities available across the suite of Valor Android payment devices.

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