PAX launches M30 and M50 - ThePaypers

2022-05-14 06:30:58 By : Ms. Wendy Wang

The M-series PayPhones are smartphones with inbuilt point of sale technology that combine the benefits of a secure EMV & PCI 6 certified payment terminal within an Android smartphone ecosystem.

According to the official press release, M30 is designed to bridge the gap between customer and POS system capabilities, enables companies and entrepreneurs to run an ecommerce business on the go. All major global payment methods can be accepted, while at the same time handling sales and inventory management. A secure PINpad is located on the opposite side to the full screen display, turning the smartphone into a secure payment device.

M50 improves the M30 features with faster processing power running on Android 11, a larger 5.7-inch HD+ display for a better working experience. Both models are powered by advanced battery technology allowing up to 78 hours of standby time.

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