Smart Payment Terminal Market Report Coverage: Key Growth Factors & Challenges, Segmentation & Regional Outlook, Top Industry Trends & Opportunities, Competition Analysis, COVID-19 Impact Analysis & Projected Recovery, and Market Sizing & Forecast.
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He also stated that bank-led financial literacy and awareness programmes are crucial for the economic development of the country.
Published: 09th June 2022 02:31 AM | Last Updated: 09th June 2022 02:31 AM | A+
Private lender ICICI Bank on Thursday announced its partnership with Zest Money, a digital EMI/pay later platform, to expand its ‘Cardless EMI’ facility.
As per the statement, the customers of ICICI bank will be able to utilize Zest Money’s flagship ‘Pay-in-3’ offering, where t
NFC is more than just a gimmick! Learn how to use NFC and do a lot of cool stuff with it.
Near Field Communication, known as NFC, may sound like a dry, technical specification. In many ways, it is. However, the applications of NFC are worth considering.
Android smartphones have had
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London, United Kingdom, Thu, 09 Jun 2022 17:08:05 / PhantMedia. / — Global U.K. Point of Sale Software Market to surpass USD 62.64 billion by 2031 from USD 17.88 billion in 2021 at a CAGR of 13.36% in the coming years, i.e., 2021-31.
Fatpos Glob
BOULDER — Arryved Inc., a point-of-service (POS) platform for craft beverage and food establishments, has acquired Craftpeak, which creates websites and e-commerce stores for brewers.
“Craftpeak and Arryved have had a deep relationship for years, and we’ve been continuously impress
Three imperatives to manage the cost of compliance
IT outsourcing and shared services trends
10 steps for an effective core banking system selection
Webinar | Reimagining the Banking Experience with Artificial Intelligence
Webinar | An Islamic Finance Perspective, and O
The future of the Chinese company PAX Technology is in doubt after the FBI raided its U.S. headquarters this week, observers say. The company, which has been expanding its presence here, is under investigation because its point-of-sale terminals were allegedly involved in global cyberattacks.
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