Epson America Inc., a supplier of point-of-sale solutions, and Newcastle Systems, a provider of industrial mobile-powered carts designed to make retail floors more efficient, have partnered to deliver a fully mobile all-in-one line-busting POS solution, according to a press release.
Enabling businesses to create flexible and safe check-out locations from anywhere in the store — indoor or outdoor — the new mobile powered POS sStation combines an Epson receipt printer and a Newcastle POS powered cart. The mobile powered POS station can use one of many Epson printers, including the OmniLink TM-T88 series, TM-m30II-NT, OmniLink TM-m50, as well as the OmniLink TM-m30II-SL compact thermal with built-in tablet mount, and the recently released OmniLink TM-L100 liner-free compatible thermal label printer.
The mobile powered POS Station offers remote power, eliminating extension cords and ceiling drops.
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