
2022-09-02 22:20:11 By : Ms. Purongsports Ruan

Spider-Man: No Way Home (or Spider-Man: No Homecoming) recently received an extended cut, which includes a number of new scenes.One of these segments presents the explanation of a plot hole pointed out by several fans: how did everyone forget about Peter?WARNING: Spoilers for Spider-Man No Way HomeAt the end of No Way Home, Doctor Strange wipes the memory of every person in the world so that they forget Spider-Man's real identity.This leaves Peter alone, about to enter college.This process of collective amnesia raised many questions among fans.How did everyone forget about Peter?Wouldn't there be photographs, documents and other objects that point to the existence of the teenager?ABOUT THIS - Spider-Man: No Homecoming - ReviewWith the release of the extended cut of No Way Home, we received a total of 11 minutes of new footage.One, which appears after the end credits, is crucial in explaining this plot point.According to Comic Book, this scene shows Betty Brant presenting the last news segment of the school year.We see pictures of the class during high school, and we notice that Peter Parker is not present in any of them.This implies that Strange's spell removed the people's memory of Peter Parker and all traces that could point to his identity.It is a way of explaining something that, in the original version of the film, had not been addressed.The extended version of No Way Home returns to select theaters in the US tomorrow under the name Spider-Man: The More Fun Stuff Version.Gonçalo Taborda was born crying, studied to speak and lived playing games.It was he who invented this phrase and he is very proud of it.He guessed the SW: KOTOR plot twist before the end of the story and made it to Silver V in LoL, for a day.You can follow him on Twitter: @O MelhorTaborda