Booze from a machine? House votes to allow vending machines where alcohol is served | Politics & Government |

2022-07-22 22:05:18 By : Mr. Ken Wong

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The House overwhelmingly approved a bill Tuesday that would allow businesses authorized to sell alcohol to operate self-serve machines capable of dispensing beer, hard cider with less than 6 percent alcohol content, and wine.

The measure passed after a 110-34 vote in the House. It now awaits action in the Senate, where it failed last year.

Rep. David Arconti, D-Danbury, said the proposal would support the state’s growing craft beer industry by increasing exposure to unique beverages, and would also add jobs.

Rep. Richard Smith, R-New Fairfield, said he was concerned initially that the legislation would replace bartenders with machines. He said he has since learned, however, that establishments that install the self-serve vending machines would require more employees to maintain them.

If approved by the General Assembly and signed into law, Connecticut would join 40 other states that allow similar self-serve liquor vending machines, Arconti said.

Under the proposed legislation, patrons would first prove they’re 21 or older and then purchase a card that would enable them to buy up to 32 ounces of beer or cider, or 10 ounces of wine, from the machines.

The machines are typically used for tastings, Arconti said, giving people the opportunity to purchase small amounts of alcohol before deciding what they’d like to buy more of.

Once the 32-ounce limit is reached, a bartender or other employee must reactivate the card in order for a customer to purchase more alcohol from a vending machine. Customers would have to dispose of, or consume, what was previously dispensed from the machines before their cards could be reactivated.

All current laws that are intended to curb underage drinking, including checking a person’s identification, would apply, Arconti said. The card is not transferable to other patrons, and can be used only by the person it is issued to, he added.

Proponents say the measure would introduce more Connecticut-made products to restaurant and bar patrons.

Opponents, including Rep. Thomas Delnicki, R-South Windsor, remain concerned, however, about the potential loss of bartender jobs.

Delnicki also raised doubt on an establishment’s ability to shut a person off from service after they’ve had too much to drink.

Rep. Devin Carney, R-Old Saybrook, said the proposal could lead to a spike in drunken driving, because people could serve themselves rather than going to a bartender or wait staff for each beverage.

Supporters argue that the penalties for proprietors and bartenders would remain the same if the legislation were to become law.

“I don’t see this in any way contributing to more drinking,” Rep. Bob Godfrey, D-Danbury, said.

Although the bill requires the Department of Consumer Protection to adopt regulations, there is no fiscal note attached to the legislation, because the department already enforces liquor laws and regulations in establishments where the machines would be placed.

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