Cards that run on Discover Global Network will be accepted in mobile devices with the Viva Wallet POS app, card terminals, as well as in Smart Checkout, Viva Wallet's payment gateway for e-shops.
Viva’s officials explained that as they continue to expand across key regions and merchant segments, they aim to strengthen their position by partnering with payment networks like Discover. They are committed to growing their payment technologies by providing payment solutions tailored to the needs of big and small businesses around Europe.
Commenting on the partnership, representatives from Discover stated that Viva Wallet is the first acquiring partner to provide Discover Global Network acceptance through tap-on-mobile technology. This relationship will provide their cardholders with more opportunities to pay using the latest in payment technology.
Discover Global Network includes Discover, Diners Club International, PULSE, and more than 25 alliance partner networks in countries such as: Brazil, South Korea, Nigeria, India, and Turkey. It is present in more than 200 countries and territories with more than 60 million merchant locations.
Viva Wallet is a european cloud-based neobank. With presence in 24 markets, Viva Wallet’s mission is to change the way businesses pay and get paid, offering unifying, yet localised, end-to-end digital payments solutions and embedded banking services tailored to their needs.
For more information about Viva Wallet and Discover, please check out the company profiles in The Paypers Company Database.
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