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5 POS payment tools that safeguard employee and customer health
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Consumers and businesses still need to process in-person transactions. Luckily, there are tools designed for contactless/touchless POS purchases to protect the health of employees and customers.
According to Mastercard, contactless payments jumped 40% in Q1 2020, as COVID-19 took hold and consumers feared the transmission of germs on cash and credit cards. But customers aren’t alone in their fears; employees also want to be better protected.
Contactless or touchless point-of-sale (POS) systems and tools aren’t new, nor are they specifically a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They existed before the pandemic, although since then, they’ve become a necessary and permanent fixture to reduce transmission of germs and better protect employee and customer health. With fewer people interested in conducting cash-based transactions, contactless/touchless systems are on the rise. It’s estimated that 63% of consumers would rather switch to a business offering contactless payment options. From Generation Zers and millennials to baby boomers, there’s been a massive preference toward touchless/contactless payment processing; that makes it the future of payments.
Today, almost 67% of U.S. retailers are providing contactless payments, with the contactless payment market projected to nearly triple in value globally by 2026. So which POS systems are out there to safeguard both employees and customers? There are many, including these five.
Clover Mini by Fiserv is an end-to-end contactless point of sale system. It is feature-rich and can handle all of your business payment processing, inventory levels and employee schedules flexibly and within a compact design.
Pricing: Contact Clover for pricing.
Lightspeed is a cloud-based POS system that is focused on simplifying payment processing for retail, restaurant and golf vendors globally. It easily integrates with other systems to improve inventory and employee management.
Pricing: Serving clients in the United States and Canada, Lightspeed offers four payment options: Lean at $69/month, Standard at $119/month, Advanced at $199/month and Enterprise (contact Lightspeed for a quote).
Square is an established POS system, launched in 2009, with the goal of helping merchants process payments in-person, online via desktop or by mobile device.
Pricing: Square hardware is free to use, with no monthly fee. There’s a processing rate of 2.6% + 10 cents per tap, dip or swipe.
Stripe offers businesses access to omnichannel POS payment options that enable contactless checkout. Online and offline channels are unified, with developer tools, pre-certified card readers and cloud-based hardware management.
Pricing: Starter and customized pricing options are available beginning at 2.7% + 5 cents per successful charge for most cards and C$0.15 per transaction for Interac debit cards.
WePay, a JPMorgan Chase company, offers consolidated POS focused on user experience, reducing overhead and increasing margins. It allows businesses to process in-person payments using their card reader and is accessible on iOS or Android devices.
Pricing: Contact WePay for pricing.
Many core features may seem the same when shopping around for a contactless POS. But it’s always a good idea to consider the differences between your business and your competitors. Consider some of these questions:
5 POS payment tools that safeguard employee and customer health
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