Square launches two new products for restaurant owners - ThePaypers

2022-09-16 22:13:55 By : Ms. Tom Spa

The first product is Square for Restaurants mobile POS, which leverages Square Terminal in order to give wait-staff access to an all-in-one restaurant POS solution. The solution allows wait-staff to share orders with the kitchen directly without having to rely on traditional pen and paper methods. At the same time, kitchen staff can use the solution to share alerts or information about product availability. 

Other advantages include covering more tables by reducing the number of trips from the table to the static POS, as well as reducing errors and improving the customer’s dining experience. Tableside ordering also creates a more efficient service, which can result in increased profitability. 

According to Square’s Future of Restaurants report, 55% of restaurant owners rely on automation technology as a way to deal with staff shortages and improve operational efficiency. The same report revealed that 97% of restaurants that introduced an online offering over the past two years as a response to lockdown measures will keep these in place even after the measures have been lifted. The services most likely to stick around are takeaway and delivery from third-party apps.

The second product is Square’s new Menu Import function, which aims to reduce the time taken to build menus in third-party delivery apps. The idea behind this function is that, by spending less time building menus, restaurant operators can focus on other things such as improving service.

In September 2022, Square has partnered with UK-based payroll technology provider Sage in order to help small businesses take more control of their finances. Through this partnership, Square’s point of sale (POS) software will integrate with Sage Accounting, thus enabling customers using both products to do business and take payments online, in-person, or over the phone. The system is live in Canada, the UK, and Ireland.

In August 2022, Square integrated Clearpay in the UK to provide Buy Now, Pay Later capabilities to sellers across online and in-person commerce. The integration enabled Square sellers in the UK to offer a BNPL solution that allows customers to pay in four interest-free instalments over a six-week period while merchants get paid on the spot. 

For online purchasing, Clearpay will now be embedded as a payment option within Square Online’s checkout system. This gives sellers the opportunity to improve their average purchase size, increase basket conversion and attract more clients.

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