Pastor Joel Holm from Hilltop Chapel began the meeting of the Palisade City Council July 7 with a prayer. He prayed for the council to “Understand the times and know what you should do.”
Council member Barb Packer gave an update on the new computer system. “It’s fantastic, it works, it’s wonderful,” she said. The city also has a better printer hooked up. She talked about the financial reports and how she and council member Sharon Dewitt are working to get the information “in order” for a new clerk to take over in the future.
Land received from Aitkin County in 2020 near Gabby’s Diner was next on the agenda. Dewitt shared an idea from an interested party that the vacant lot could be used for senior housing. The problem is “We cannot sell that property, we cannot lease it,” Dewitt said. She has been working with Aitkin County Land Commissioner Dennis Thompson. Dewitt said Thompson is looking into some ways the city could get use out of the property.
A special events application for Saturday, Aug. 13 to sell alcohol outdoors was received from the Rustic Trail for Palisade’s RiverFest event. The legalities of serving alcohol outdoors was discussed.
Palisade Mayor Pam Nordstrom said, “The last time we had people walking all over town with alcohol even though we had only given permission for a beer garden.” People are to stay within the enclosed area with the alcohol, not walking around on city streets. Insurance would need to be provided for the event.
The application was put on hold until more information is available. The council will speak with Dawn Quade, owner of the Rustic Trail.
Nancy Havila’s resignation from the council was approved. She was in attendance at the meeting to speak during the public comment portion.
Havila said she was disappointed to not have a financial report available on the municipal liquor store. She submitted a data request form for gross payroll information for the months of January, February and March of this year.
Havila said she saw a $2,000 bill while working at the muni for annual support for the Point Of Sale (POS) system. She said she thought that amount was exorbitant especially after paying $6,000 for the system itself. “I would hope it could be negotiated,” said Havila.
“Speaking of the muni, they are not supposed to have potluck unless you have a food handling license,” said Havila. “At least not to advertise it.”
“I am disappointed in the communication from this council to its residents,” said Havila. She said she asked for the water quality report and the letters be distributed to all the residents. She also said she thought more detail on the water tower process would be interesting to put in the newsletter.
Nordstrom gave a summary of the closed meeting that was held June 23. The meeting was regarding the former manager of the liquor store. The city had received several complaints and upon investigation, the council concluded termination of employment was the best decision.
Assistant manager Sharon Barnes will be promoted to manager with a $3 per hour raise. Megan Eustice will be hired at the Palisade Muni.
With the new water meter system almost established, the city will be taking a look at unpaid bills and sending letters to residents. “Going forward into a new system, we need to have everything current,” said Nordstrom.
City Maintenance Supervisor Jami Packer reported to the council that about 95% of the necessary information had been put into the new system. All metered residents have been entered. Information is still needed for those residents who are past due on their bill.
A resident spoke about the water at his home during the public comment part of the meeting. He said he can notice the difference and that it seems the water is clearing up some. “I notice the water quality has gone up,” he said. “But, I am still noticing off and on spurts. Is there a reason for the discoloration?”
Jami said he flushed the water system June 8 and there will be pockets here and there but with monthly flushing it should clear up more. The council said to let the faucet run until the water is clear. The resident asked if residents would be charged for the surplus water by letting it run until clear. “I don’t think it takes that much water to clear it,” said Nordstrom.
Jami said that it might take a year or so for the city chlorine system to clear up the water because of all the years of not having a chlorine system in place.
The resident also asked for a water tower and pump situation update. Jami answered that both pumps are running. As far as the water tower, there are steps to follow before the water tower can be painted. Jami said he is not sure exactly where it falls in place yet.
The resident then asked some questions about the muni. He wanted to know about the financial report. “I know it’s doing better and there are people showing up,” he said. “What happened to the present manager?” Nordstrom told him that the situation can’t be discussed. Barb said things are looking better as far as the financial report goes. “Things have gotten better, the bills are under control and things are starting to level off,” she said.
When there was more discussion about the POS system, Council member Dave Simons said he found three different spreadsheets that went nowhere. “In my estimation, nobody knew what was coming in or going out.”
American Rescue Plan funds came in. Purchases need receipts submitted to the state next spring.
A fire deparrtment application was approved to hire first responder Jodi Harwig.
The centennial committee met July 7 to discuss details of the event to be held in unison with the RiverFest celebration in August. A final meeting of the group will be Monday, July 25 at 3 p.m.
Postings for candidates for the city council will be going public the week of July 17. There will be two available seats on the city council along with the mayoral election. Candidates will need to file Aug. 2-16 by 5 p.m. to be on the November ballot. Applications for candidates are available at city hall or through a council member with a $2 filing fee. Interested candidates must live within the Palisade city limits.
Council meeting minutes are posted at city hall in Palisade when approved by the council. The next meeting is Monday, Aug. 1, at 6 p.m. at the community center.
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