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September 20, 2022 10:30 ET | Source: MarketsandMarkets Research Pvt. Ltd. MarketsandMarkets Research Pvt. Ltd.
Chicago, Sept. 20, 2022 (
Box, 24/24 terminal, network, algorithm... In this universe that is difficult to disrupt, a few start-ups are trying to offer new services and products around reading and/or the book object.Objective: to seduce readers, very attached to their good old books, paper version!Overview of these initia
Another resourceful solution the technology giant will be rolling out for the Nigerian banking community is Banking-as-a-service (BaaS).
Observing current market trends and the increasing need to improve customer experience and safety in the e-payments ecosystem, Africa’s leading i
As Nigeria continues to leverage fintech, quoted banks on the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) raked in N158.165 billion from electronic business during the half year of 2022, growing the top line by 16.48% compared to N135.789 billion recorded in the corresponding period of the previous year.
Independent Newspaper Nigeria - Breaking News from Nigeria and the World
Film Maker, Biyi Bandele Laid To Rest In Lagos
Toke Makinwa Bids Farewell To Radio Career
I Was Very Stubborn Child But My Parents Made Sure I Became
CyberLink’s FaceMe® SDK solution combines the latest facial recognition and liveness detection technologies, utilized for payment processing through intuitive, accurate and secure identification
CAC Corporation integrates CyberLink’s FaceMe Facial Recognition into the POS term
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From the rapid growth of crypto to the dramatic volatility of the asset class, governments around the world are responding through regulatory and legislative actions. Some jurisdictions have announced clear and accomm