Through this partnership, noqodi’s digital omnichannel payments such as Tap on Phone will be powered by Mastercard Payment Gateway Services (MPGS). The integration will allow consumers to tap their card or device to make payments through a merchant’s phone.
Owned by the emaratech Group, noqodi promotes a cashless society by providing fully automated payment services to merchants. Emartech oversees 50,000 daily transactions, and it automates several administrative processes such as visa and national ID issuance. Mastercard will improve noqodi’s payment capabilities by integrating its global payment gateway technology for businesses of all sizes, partners, and acquirers.
The Cashless Dubai Working Group was established in 2020 by the Government of Dubai in an effort to transition payment transactions in the Emirates to secure and easy-to-use cashless platforms across sectors. Mastercard and noqodi’s partnership comes in the context of this cashless transition initiative.
Mastercard officials have stated in the company’s press release that they are currently looking to diversify their offerings across non-traditional segments. This strategic partnership with noqodi allows them to deliver their digital payment solutions at a UAE government level.
In September 2022, Mastercard partnered with Nigeria-based Prophius to integrate Tap on Phone in order to enable small businesses to accept contactless payments using NFC-enabled Android phones. Tap on Phone is a digital payment technology developed for micro and small businesses and tradesmen who tend to operate in a cash economy due to the costs and complexity of obtaining traditional point-of-sale devices.
The solution turns Android smart phones into secure payment acceptance devices for contactless cards, mobile wallets and even smart watches with no additional equipment or set-up costs. The system allows small businesses to benefit from a faster check-out system. They also gain the ability to accept card payment on delivery.
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