Through the partnership, Bluefin will certify Sunmi’s smart payment terminal line including the P2, P2 PRO, P2 Mini, and P2 SMARTPAD. The SUNMI P series includes versatile products that can be used at a checkout counter or in hand and support omnichannel payment capabilities, including contactless, chip & PIN, NFC, and QR code.
Sunmi provides intelligent IoT devices and integrated solutions combining software and hardware to augment business owners. The company’s products and solutions are used by more than 1.5 million merchants globally and the SUNMI App Store has over 10,000 commercial apps available.
Bluefin is a provider of PCI-validated point-to-point encryption (P2PE) solutions, with over 100 payment devices certified for P2PE, 16 partner key injection facilities (KIFs) and one of the only 100% online management system, P2PE Manager, for device chain of custody, tracking, and attestation. Bluefin provides P2PE and the company’s tokenization platform, ShieldConex, direct through its product suite and through its network of 200 global partners.
According to the press release, the state of retail has changed drastically in the last 10 years. Consumers want to be able to pay ‘where they are,’ whether that is at a table in a restaurant or in a store aisle. But at the same time, they expect to be able to tap their card and go or pay with a QR code.
Merchants today need wireless devices capable of functioning as electronic POS terminals or cash registers. Adding Sunmi’s flexible payment terminals to Bluefin’s listing of P2PE devices will enable it to meet demand for next-generation payment acceptance. As per Vantage Market Research, the Global Smart Mobile POS Market stood at USD 3.5 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 14.9 billion by 2028, a CAGR of 27.40%.
Sunmi wants to put the concept of ‘Power Retail Transformation’ at its core. Company officials are happy to partner with Bluefin to be able to deliver functional payments solutions that are both affordable and secure.
Solutions that were previously only accessible to Tier 1 and 2 retailers, such as BNPL, QR, loyalty, and digital marketing, as well as niche applications, are now within reach of SMEs, Sunmi’s representatives added. They look forward to partnering with Bluefin, a player in PCI-validated encrypted payments, to bring Sunmi’s payment terminals to their large base of healthcare, higher education, government, and retail clients.
Bluefin is the recognised integrated payments company in encryption and tokenization technologies that protect payments and sensitive data. Its product suite includes solutions for contactless, face-to-face, call centre, mobile, ecommerce, and unattended payments and data in the healthcare, higher education, government, and nonprofit industries. The company’s 200 global partners serve 20,000 enterprise and software clients operating in 47 countries.
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